

宮里 義昭/ミヤザト ヨシアキ/Yoshiaki Miyazato

宮里 義昭/ミヤザト ヨシアキ/Yoshiaki Miyazato

所属 【学部】機械システム工学科
役職/職名 教授
学位(授与機関) 博士(工学)(九州大学)
担当科目 【学 部】微分?積分,微分方程式,線形代数学,関数論,流体機械,機械設計製図
略歴 1989 琉球大学工学部機械工学科卒業
1989 九州大学大学院総合理工学研究科修士課程入学
1991 同 修了
1991 九州大学大学院総合理工学研究科博士後期課程進学
1993 同 退学
1996 博士(工学)(九州大学)
専門分野 圧縮性流体力学






(4)Computational Study of an Incident Shock Wave into a Helmholtz Resonator,Computers & Fluids, 35-10(2006),pp.1252-1263.

(5)Control of Supersonic Jet Noise using a Wire Device, J. of Sound and Vibration, 297-1(2006),pp.167-182

(6)Experimental Investigation of Nozzle Exit Reflector Effect on Supersonic Jet, Shock Waves, 15-3(2006),pp.229-239.

(7)Effect of Duct Geometry on Shock Wave Discharge, J. Thermal Sciences, 15-4(2006),pp.349-354.

(8)Propagation of Weak Pressure Waves against Two Parallel Subsonic Streams, J. Thermal Sciences,15-2(2006),pp.135-139.

(9)An Experimental Study of the Nozzle Lip Thickness Effect on Supersonic Jet Screech Tones, KSME International J., 20-4(2006),pp.522-532.



(1)Investigations of Weak Normal Shock Wave/Laminal Boundary Layer Interactions in Ducts, Proc. of the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, (2008),CD-ROM.

(2)Numerical Investigation on Choking of Converging Nozzle Flows, Proc. of the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, (2008),CD-ROM.

(3)Study on Choking Phenomena of Converging Nozzle Flows, Proc. of 13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, (2008),CD-ROM.

(4)Centerline Static Pressure Measurements of Weak Normal Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction Regions in Ducts, AIAA Paper, (2008), CD-ROM.

(5)Effect of Mesh Screen Device on Supersonic Jet Noise, Proc. of the 8th Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, (2007),CD-ROM.

(6)Control of Supersonic Jet Noise using a Mesh Screen, Proc. of the 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (2006), CD-ROM.

(7)The Plate Impingement of the Weak Shock Wave Discharging from Various 3-Dimensional Ducts, Proc. of the 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (2006), CD-ROM.

(8)Shock Assosicated Noise Reduction in Supersonic Jets Using a Wire Device, Proc. of the Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, (2006), CD-ROM.

(9)Numerical Study of Compound Choking of Two Subsonic Streams, Proc. of the Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, (2006), CD-ROM.


