

JST次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラム (SPRING program)



The University of Kitakyushu has been selected for the Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (SPRING) program by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), which aims to develop human resources that will lead science, technology, and innovation in Japan. Our program is named Kitakyushu Innovative Human Resource and Regional Development Program (Phase 2).

The program aims to nurture talented and flexible doctoral students who can lead the uncertain world with the cooperation of various organizations in the Kitakyushu region and researchers in different fields. The program students receive support for living and research expenses and join program activities. The graduates from this program are expected to contribute to the economic and cultural development of the Kitakyushu region. The Program Director and the education team incorporation with the research supervisors of the students support the activities of the program students.



申請書は、日本語版か英語版のいずれかを選んでください。ここで選んだ言語で面接を行います。書面審査通過者に対する面接審査は、202499日 16時から17時を予定しています。

Fall 2024 Applications are now open for students who enrolled in April 2024 and will enroll in October 2024 either in the Graduate School of Environmental Engineering or the Graduate School of Social System Studies at the University of Kitakyushu.

Please choose either the Japanese or English version of the application form. An interview will be conducted in the language selected here.The interview for those who have passed the first screening process is scheduled between 4 pm and 5 pm on September 9, 2024.

?2024年秋募集要項(Application guide for 2024 fall enrollment).pdf



?申請書(Application form in English).docx

?研究計画書(Research plan).docx
